Mazel Tovs and Condolences

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Mazel Tovs

Please let us know if your family or someone you know in our extended Solel family  recently experienced something worthy of a Mazel Tov! 



Rabbi Moffic and Cantor Glikin care about you. We want to be with you in times of joy and happiness. We want to support you in times when you or someone close to you is in need of physical, spiritual, or emotional healing. Please share with us at [email protected] or by calling us at (847) 433-3555.

  • Please notify the office if you would like to have your name or the name of a loved one added to the MiSheberach list. This list is read during our Shabbat services prior to the chanting of the "MiSheberach" prayer for healing. If you are concerned about privacy, we can list your Hebrew name in place of your English name.
  • Please notify us if you or a loved one are in the hospital and would like a visit or a phone call from your clergy. Because of federal regulations, the congragation does not know about hospitilizations unless we are notified by the patient or family.
  • If you are in need of meals, rides, or companionship, please contact the office, so that we can put you in touch with the Mitzvah Committee.

Solel cares about you! Please help us to know when you are in need of extra care.
